25.06.2022. | 12:00

Razgovor i okupljanje kojim obeležavamo četiri meseca od početka agresije na Ukrajinu, bavi se problemom solidarnosti (ili izostanka solidarnosti) sa žrtvama rata, antiratne uloge (naročito nezavisnih) kulturnih institucija i umetničkih manifestacija i pitanjima izveštavanja i dokumentovanja (a posebno) značaja fotografija razaranja i otpora. U okviru razgovora biće prikazani video radovi i kratki filmovi u produkciji Art platforme „ТЮ” nastalih pre početka ratnih dejstava u danas razrušenom Mariupolju.

Učestvuju: Diana Berg (Art platforma „ТЮ”, Mariupolj) Ihor Savchak (Центр культурного менеджменту, Lavov), Vladimir Arsenijević (KROKODIL, Beograd), Dejan Vasić (Likovni program CZKD, Beograd) i Aleksandra Nikšić (BBC News na srpskom).

Događaj u Centru za kulturnu dekontaminaciju sa direktnim uključenjem sagovornika iz Ukrajine je moguće pratiti i na našoj digitalnoj platformi CZKD NOW.


Z.mist: identity

Godine 2018. Platforma ТЮ, umetnička inicijativa iz Mariupolja, realizovala je rezidenciju za 13 ukrajinskih umetnika. Film Oksane Kazmine prikazuje proces upoznavanja umetnika sa gradom u ratu, istraživanja njegovih višestrukih identiteta i umetničkog odgovora na ono što otkrivaju u Mariupolju, industrijskom gradu na Azovskom moru, gradu koji se odupire ruskoj agresiji od 2014.In 2018, Platform Tu, the grassroots art-space in Mariupol, has run an art-residency for 13 Ukrainian artists. The movie by Oksana Kazmina shows the process of artists getting to know the city at war, research it multiple identities and artistically responce to what they discover in Mariupol, the industrial city on Azov sea, the city resisting Russian aggression since 2014.

Rediteljka: Oksana Kazmina
Direktorka fotografije: Oksana Kazmina, Vasiliy Lyah.
Film je nastao tokom umetničke rezidencije „Z.mist: identitet“ platforme ТЮ iz Mariupolja 2018. godine, uz podršku Ukrajinske kulturne fondacije


Mariupolj je oduvek bio mistično mesto, a umetnica Maša Pronina je grad posmatrala kroz dve različite religije: fabriku Azovstal i umetnički prostor Platforme ТЮ. Iako su se drastično razlikovali, činilo se da obe imaju magičan uticaj na ljude. Dok je kolosalna industrijska korporacija ogromna, ima hiljade sledbenika i vidljivo utiče na grad, inicijativa koja nudi umetnički prostor suptilno menja živote ranjivih tinejdžera kroz kreativne inicijative i razvoj njihovih talenata. Autor je ovaj artdok o Mariupolju prikazao kroz magijsko razmišljanje i „kultove“ koji su istrebljeni ubrzo nakon završetka filma.

Režija: Maša Pronina

Direktorka fotografije: Maša Pronina, Denis Pohribni

Muzika: ShumRave.

Film je nastao u okviru projekta Cetka platforme ТЮ iz Mariupolja, u Mariupolju tokom 2021-2022. godine, uz podršku ZK\U Berlin.



The conversation and gathering marking four months since the beginning of the aggression on Ukraine deals with the problem of solidarity (or lack of solidarity) with victims of war, the anti-war role of (especially independent) cultural institutions and artistic events, and reporting and documenting (especially) resistance. As part of the conversation, video works and short films produced by the Art Platform „ТЮ” created before the start of the war in today’s destroyed Mariupol will be shown.

Participants: Diana Berg (Art Platform „ТЮ”, Mariupol) Ihor Savchak (Центр культурного менеджменту / Center for Cultural Management Lviv), Vladimir Arsenijević (KROKODIL, Belgrade), Dejan Vasić (CZKD Art Program, Belgrade) and Aleksandra Nikšić (BBC News in Serbian).

The event at the Center for Cultural Decontamination with the direct involvement of interlocutors from Ukraine can also be followed on our digital platform CZKD NOW.


Z.mist: identity

In 2018, Platform Tu, the grassroots art-space in Mariupol, has run an art-residency for 13 Ukrainian artists. The movie by Oksana Kazmina shows the process of artists getting to know the city at war, research it multiple identities and artistically response to what they discover in Mariupol, the industrial city on Azov sea, the city resisting Russian aggression since 2014.

Director: Oksana Kazmina. DOP: Oksana Kazmina, Vasiliy Lyah.
Created during the art-residency „Z.mist: identity“ by platform Tu in 2018, Mariupol with the support of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation


Mariupol has always been a mystical place, and the artist Masha Pronina looked at the city through two different religions: Azovstal plant and Platform Tu art-space. Although being drastically different, these two appeared to have magical impact on the people. While massive industrial corporation is huge, has thousands of followers and impacts the city visibly, whereas grassroots art-space subtly changes lives of vulnerable teenagers through creative initiatives and developing their talents. The author showed this artdoc about Mariupol through magical thinking and the „cults“ that were exterminated shortly after the movie was finished.

Director: Masha Pronina, DOP: Masha Pronina, Denis Pohribny. Music: ShumRave. Created for Platform Tu during the Cetka project in Mariupol, 2021-2022 with the support of ZK\U Berlin.

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